Who we are

  • Chairperson: Rebecca Weaver
  • Secretary: Sara Gonzalez Munoz
  • Treasurer: Rebecca Elsmere 
  • General member: Sharon Eldred 
  • Church Representatives: Janice Schofield & Ray Hoyle
  • Fundraising: Victoria Pickering & Nicki Hammond

Please ask staff what these roles involve if you are interested in joining the Committee.

The Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering to be a Trustee of your child’s setting is a great way to put something positive back into the local community and can have many rewards and benefits.

It offers you the opportunity to become more actively and practically involved in the learning and development of your child and it is widely recognised that when parents are actively involved their children can achieve more.

You will also have a chance to meet other parents, update existing skills and learn new ones. This can have valuable long-term benefits when applying for jobs or undertaking further training.

Election Process

The Trustees of the charity are elected each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), usually held in early October. Individuals over the age of 18 years who have family or affiliate membership with the charity are eligible to be elected as a trustee. If you are unsure if you are eligible, you can contact the Charity Commission on 0845 0000 218 for further guidance.

Trustee Overview

The Trustees of a charitable preschool are jointly responsible for the effective running of the charity and making decisions regarding the management of the charity in order to further its charitable purposes.

Trustees usually meet twice a term and responsibilities include:

  • Keeping records
  • Reporting to the Charity Commission
  • Data Protection
  • Review of policy documents
  • Recruitment of staff
  • Finance and Budgets

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